159 million people still collect drinking water from rivers, lakes and other surface water sources.
By 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas.
At least 2 billion people drink water from a source contaminated with feces.
In low and middle-income countries, 38% of health care facilities lack an improved water source, 19% do not have improved sanitation and 35% lack water and soap for hand washing.
1 million people die each year from water, sanitation and hygiene-related disease.
Contaminated water can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio. An estimated 502,000 deaths annually are attributed to diarrhea caused from drinking contaminated water.
As women and children carry the burden of fetching water, they are impacted the most by lack of safe access to clean water.
We are working hard every day to provide safe access to clean water to people who need it most. Our water project model works! Check out how we are saving lives by providing over 80,000 people with safe access to clean water.